My Book
Well . . . not necessarily a whole book.
A book to which I contributed a chapter, called My Money Journey has been published by Harriman House. It details the financial life story, of myself and 29 other individuals, in our own words. It's available on Amazon.
Reading the book reminded me of the movie Good Will Hunting. It's a great movie that contains richly drawn characters and well-written scenes they inhabit. Scenes like “Do you like apples?” and “Ya's suspect!” Though my favorite is the one where Will’s psychiatrist, played by Robin Williams (in an Academy Award-winning performance), explains to Will “I can’t learn anything from you that I can’t read in some fucking book unless you want to talk about you, who you are, and then I’m fascinated, I’m in.”
The idea of reading personal stories is what draws me to My Money Journey. I can read about the effects of rising interest rates, the shortcomings of dogecoin, and changes to the tax code in any fucking book, but when each of the contributors writes about how it affects them, then I’m fascinated, I’m in.
And for myself, much like for Will Hunting, it can be very cathartic.
A reader's personal feedback:
"I stayed up late and did something that I never usually do- Read the last chapter first. I love that you included your Mom in the writing. To be honest I think it was my very favorite of your writing thus far. Now I can start the book from the beginning and I will reread the last chapter. It's like seeing a movie twice - you always see things the second time that you missed before. I have truly loved following your writing journey."
- Joy
"This is one of those books that I couldn't put down. It’s edited by Jonathan Clements, a person who has taught me so much about the relationship between money and happiness over the past two decades.
This book takes readers down the multiple paths people traveled toward financial freedom, forged by their own unique situations and feelings about money. What works for one person may not work for others. There are a few constants, however; the path is never smooth, life gets in the way, both income and markets are unpredictable, and we all make mistakes when it comes to investing.
Some of these journeys will bring back memories of your relationship with money. Many certainly brought back memories of my own journey from when I was a small child until today, where I still have an imperfect relationship with money.
Read this book to see which journeys and which lessons at the end of each chapter you most relate to. And most of all, don't forget to enjoy your own journey."