Humble Dollar
I contribute financial articles to humbledollar.com mainly about my personal financial dealings. I try to write with a New Yorker's skepticism, an engineer's logic, and hopefully some humor.
Walking in the Footsteps of History
I don't know about you, but when I travel to historic places I want to stand exactly where it happened. I don't mind looking over a battlefield from a viewing platform or seeing a historic wall from a nearby balcony (with a cold beer would be quite nice), but in the end, I want to walk in the footsteps of history (pronounced "wit pho").

And on Bonanza.com and
Neff Books
U.S. State Capitols Forced Ranked
Vision Statement
To be the finest U.S. state capitol forced ranked website in the world.

Next Avenue
I contribute financial articles to NextAvenue.org where I try to use my business experience, New York upbringing and naval nuclear engineering training to bring some skepticism and humor to the subject of personal finance.